Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hyperlinked task (an example for you!)

Nick wrote about sasquatch. An author could explore this issue metaphorically in many interesting ways. What if humans were the sasquatch and the sasquatches didn't believe they existed? I imagine a world where the sasquatches hunt the humans and look for evidence of them in the way that we do with sasquatch.

Keelia wrote about stem cell research. What if there was a story about some imaginary civilization where there was this debate over using the discarded ... something... of the creatures--something akin to finger nail clippings for example--for medical research to save the lives of the creatures. Some believed it was no problem, but some believed that it was morally and ethically wrong. If the author was on the side of stem cell research, the story could make it seem like the opposition was somewhat ridiculous, or if the author was against stem cell research, the story could make it seem like those in favor of this were barbaric.

Mark wrote about helicopter parents. It might be fun to start here with this metaphor that already exists: parents that have literally turned into helicopters that buzz around their children constantly, especially when the children go off to college. And maybe the story could be about all the things that the children do to escape the helicopters?

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